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The winners of the All-Russian legal online quiz - 2019 are determined!

The winners of the All-Russian legal online quiz - 2019 are determined!

The winners of the All-Russian legal online quiz - 2019 are determined!

Almost 1,500 lawyers from various regions of Russia competed for valuable prizes. In total, there were 30 questions in the quiz, for each of which the participants had to choose the right answer from several proposed ones. The quiz started at 12:00 Moscow time for all regions at the same time and lasted for 20 minutes. Leading experts and leaders of the legal industry took part in preparing the quiz questions.

For each correct answer, lawyers were receiving one point. According to the results of the quiz, the highest score, scored by the participants is 27. Only three lawyers showed such a good result, and prizes were distributed among them. According to the rules of the quiz, if several people scored an equal number of correct answers, the winners among them are determined by the least time, spent on passing the quiz.

As a result, in the legal battle, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place: Svetlana Omelchenko (nickname on Somel portal), Moscow

2nd place: Vadim Kubanov (nickname on the portal kubkv), Tver

3rd place: Anton Milakin (nickname on the JoJocage portal), Novocherkassk

Winners will be awarded with the prizes from the Association Liquidation and Bankruptcy Bar Association: for the 1st place - a monoblock, for the 2nd place - a laptop and a smartphone for the 3rd place.

Congratulations to the winners, you are true professionals! Representatives of the Association will contact you and agree on the transfer of prizes.

We also want to separately mention three lawyers from Moscow, who scored 26 points each - this is Aleksey Basov (nickname on the portal basov2ndlaw), Valery Bernadsky (nickname on the portal Valery) and Sergey Degtyarev (nickname on the portal They will get the presents - books of Pavel Astakhov, autographed by the author.

The remaining participants did not get enough points to become the first. There is time to prepare and show your knowledge in the legal quiz in 2020!

We express our gratitude to all participants for their interest and to the experts of our quiz: Pavel Astakhov, Anatoly Kucherena, Andrei Knyazev, Eduard Isetskiy, Dmitry Shumeyko, ANO "International Legal Company" for their active participation in the preparation of the quiz questions, as well as the partners of the quiz for support and informational notification.

The list of participants who got 15 or more points is published on the forum:

The listed participants will be awarded with the certificates of the quiz participants!

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